» » » Elektronische Soft-Rise-Filterdrossel zur Hochspannungsfilterung
Elektronische Soft-Rise-Filterdrossel zur Hochspannungsfilterung

Elektronische Soft-Rise-Filterdrossel zur Hochspannungsfilterung

Verfügbarkeit Auf Lager

Manual available here:




Features :

- Electronic filter choke (inductor)

- Easy to use:
2 high voltage inputs: Vin and ground

2 filtered high voltage output, nothing else to connect

- Allowable input voltage ranging from 0 to + 400 Volts

- Much higher performance than a traditional choke, huge ripple attenuation

A ripple of 30 V at the input becomes 0.2 V at the output, i.e. 150 times less (attenuation of 45 dB)

The attenuation ranges from 150 to 300 (- 50 dB) depending on the output current, which is equivalent to a choke of approximately 200 Henry

- In addition to its role as a filter, the circuit also performs a function of slow rise (soft-start) of the high voltage, it takes about 15 seconds for the output voltage to go from 0 to + 300 Volts. This helps prevent electric shock to the vacuum tube and allows the circuits to balance smoothly and quietly.

- This board can also be configured as a voltage source of any value by placing a zener diode, this application is described in the manual.

- A double protection against overloads is provided with an electronic current limiting circuit with reversal (foldback) + a 500 mA fuse, it is nevertheless desirable to avoid short circuits at the output

- With the heatsink on the card, it is preferable not to exceed 250 mA in order to avoid excessive heating of the power transistor, but this current can reach 450 mA by placing this transistor on a larger external heatsink or directly on the frame. The connection outputs are provided on the card and an insulating sleeve +  insulator are supplied with the board to allow easy assembly of the transistor.

- Size: 120 x 50mm

- Height with heatsink: 52 mm (25 mm without)

- Input voltage: 0 to + 400 Volts

- Attenuation from 50 to 120 Hz: 50 dB nominal, 45 dB minimum

- Admissible current: 250 mA with the integrated heatsink, 450 mA with external heatsink

- Maximum current: 500 mA

- Maximum input / output voltage drop: 15 Volts

- No noise or radiation

- Ready to use, delivered with instructions

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