» » » Very High Voltage Generator - Solid State Ruhmkorff Coil
Very High Voltage Generator - Solid State Ruhmkorff Coil
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Very High Voltage Generator - Solid State Ruhmkorff Coil

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Characteristics :

- Very high voltage generator solid state version of the ruhmkorff coil
- Supply : 5 V  / 5 Amps maxi (can work on batteries)

- Dimensions : 25 x 35 x 40 mm

- Weight : 60 g

- Supply : 4 to 5 Volts d.c.

- Input current : 5 Amperes max.

- Secondary voltage : 180 000 Volts minimum

- Power : 20 to 25 Watts

- Frequency : 15 sparks per second approximatly (frequency is higher with shorter sparks)


Composition :

- 1 very high voltage generator


Uses :
This small and light module is a stand alone generator able to generate very strong discharges at a high voltage.
- Diélectrimeter

- Ruhmkorff coil experiments.

- Electrostatic experiments.

- Generation of very strong and noisy sparks ( 20 mm minimum in dry air )

- Jacob ladder

- Plasmatic discharges

- Geissler effect

- Radio-frequency damped waves

- Personal protective equipment

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