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Power Converter High Voltage Adjustable Battery Operated
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Power Converter High Voltage Adjustable Battery Operated

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Charactéristics :

- Converter - Regulater Module
- Module dimensions : 85 x 55 x H max 25 mm
- 1 input 6 to 9 V continuous or alternatives (battery or transformer)
- 2 outputs :
   1 adjustable regulated high voltage supply  + 30 to + 300 V
   1 negative supply of - 24 V
- Capacity of the high voltage supply (examples):
   25 mA under 80 V with a 9 V module supply (15 mA with 6 V)
   20 mA under 200 V with a 9 V module supply (10 mA with 6 V)
- Capacity of the negative supply (source of polarization) :
   4.5 mA under - 24 V with a 9 V module supply (2.5 mA with 6 V)
- Primary current empty : 50 mA V from 6 to 9 V
- High Voltage Regulation : better than 3%
- Short circuit protection

Composition :
- 1 unit ready to use
- 1 schema of principle and connection

Uses :
- Converter - Regulator module to supply receivers battery, circuits tests, capacitors regeneration, portable high voltage supply, ...
- Converter for having always "at hand", two energy sources for different tests or supply (battery set, old radios, tubes, Geiger - Müller counter, ...)
1 "High Voltage" supply adjustable by a potentiometer between 30 and 300 V continuous with an enough current capacity for most applications, this voltage range can be modified from 0 to 450 V by changing 2 resistors and 1 external potentiometer can be wired in place of the 10 round potentiometer adjustable located on the map. 1 digital control input 0 / + 5 V also allows to start or switch off the supply
1 negative supply is stabilized by Zener diode, providing a fixed voltage of - 24 V; voltage can be adjusted to different values ​​between 0 and - 40 V ​​by changing the Zener

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